Our People
The Recordati group aspires to be a top-tier value creator for its patients, investors and people. Therefore, it recognises the central importance of its Human Resources, who represent the primary factor for the successful implementation of the company’s strategy and the generation of value in the long term. To this end, the Group is committed to guaranteeing individual commitment and engagement, staying true to the company’s purpose and values, and improving the quality of life of present and future generations to protect their well-being, health and safety, always in full compliance with current provisions and laws. It incentivises training and professional development. It promotes a serene, merit-based and inclusive environment where each individual is able to optimise their capabilities, ideas, potential and talent.
Recordati adopts a policy and processes that aim to:
- attract and retain talented people and encourage their development, including through collaboration with schools and universities, with a structured employee selection, onboarding and development procedure;
- continuously create an inclusive, flexible, stimulating and engaging work environment;
- support professional development by providing training courses, coaching, mentoring, awareness-raising initiatives, and on-the-job training;
- retain and motivate people, with a particular focus on highly qualified individuals and those with the greatest potential for development, not only by offering competitive pay to reward merit, but also through national and international career opportunities and initiatives that foster a sense of belonging to the Group;
- ensure people’s well-being, health and safety;
- guarantee inclusion, equity, equal opportunities and mutual respect, and combat all forms of discrimination.

Diversity and Inclusion
At Recordati we believe that inclusion and promotion of diversity (including but not limited to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language, nationality, opinions on political or trade union matters, religious beliefs, or any other personal characteristics), and cooperation of all parties, enrich the capacity for innovation, a fundamental key to the business’s success. In fact, by celebrating diversity and promoting inclusive practices the Group is able to effectively react to societal and market changes. For Recordati, inclusion means developing a working environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, supported and appreciated for their individuality and talent: this means having the freedom to express their thoughts and opinions in a culture characterised by active listening, where everyone has the opportunity to make mistakes and to learn from them. To promote this culture and as part of the “One Company” approach, the Group asks each manager not only to guarantee that there is no discrimination in the workplace, but also to underline the importance of Diversity & Inclusion issues by demonstrating how diversity, fairness and inclusion can help the Group to achieve its short, medium and long-term goals and objectives. Recordati strives to make everyone aware of their value and encourage them to be ambassadors for the Group.
In 2023 the Group’s commitment to D&I was formalised in a series of activities. In particular:
- A new global Diversity & Inclusion function was created which, along with the Executive Leadership Team and involving the entire company workforce, will guide the Group’s D&I strategy.
- In line with the target defined in the Sustainability Plan, at least 40% of candidates short-listed for top and senior management positions are women. Furthermore, internal personnel responsible for selecting these short-listed candidates has always included at least one woman. In order to gradually increase the percentage of women in top and senior management positions, recruiting and promoting employees with top-level skills and qualifications and who reflect the focus on inclusion and diversity, the Group has set itself the target of ensuring that at least 38% of all top and senior management positions are held by women by 2028 (31% in 2023).
- Recordati is a partner of Valore D, an Italian business association committed to promoting gender balance and an inclusive culture. In this regard, a number of employees took part in D&I awareness-raising and training initiatives, as well as intercompany mentoring programmes. Moreover, starting at the Group’s Headquarters, a company mentoring programme was launched to support some women who returning from maternity leave to continue their professional careers.
- Meanwhile, the unconscious bias training course launched in 2022 was continued and offered to all Group employees in the local language. In 2023 this training course was also offered to all new hires and employees at the Group’s sites. Furthermore, the Group aims to continue promoting equal opportunities and a culture of inclusion through the launch of additional D&I mentorship initiatives.
- For the second year running, an internal D&I survey was carried out involving Group management (around 300 managers), with the aim of understanding Recordati management’s level of awareness of D&I within the company, engaging with management using an inclusive leadership style, and defining a D&I action plan. The results showed improvements in all areas compared to the previous survey conducted in 2022.
- The Group also launched its first People Engagement Survey for all employees at global level to better understand people’s needs and to respond with appropriate policies and actions. D&I was one of the areas included in the survey. The results were used to inform local and global action plans, parts of which are still being defined. The Group intends to conduct the survey again in 2025.
- In November, a global HR meeting was held involving all of the Group’s HR Business Partners and HR Managers. A full day was devoted to Diversity & Inclusion through specific workshops, a presentation by an external speaker, and a preview of the One Recordati D&I Strategy for the Group’s D&I Managers. In 2024 the Group intends to establish a “D&I Network” of employees to help drive the D&I agenda.

Training and Development of Human Capital
The Group considers the development of people as a fundamental process for their enrichment and for the success of the business. Development not only targets the key skills of their current role but especially those for possible future roles and the evolution of the business in terms of innovation. The development tools deployed by Recordati include on-the-job training, online and in-person training, individual and group training, coaching and mentoring.
The main initiatives implemented by the Group during the year were courses to develop the technical, managerial and linguistic skills, and specialist and professional skills development programmes.
In 2023 the Recordati group provided more than 145,000 hours of training, translating to around 33 hours of training per person (up compared to the previous year).
Health & Safety
As stated in the Code of Ethics, the Group is committed to disseminating and consolidating a culture of safety, raising awareness of risks, also through training activity aimed at promoting responsible behaviour and working to protect the health and safety of those operating for the Group, including by preventive measures. At its manufacturing sites, regardless of the nature and purpose of the activities carried out, the Group implements prevention measures in accordance with local legislation, aimed at ensuring the constant improvement of occupational health and safety conditions and providing appropriate technical, economic and professional resources.
In particular, all production sites are subject to technical and organisational measures, including:
- the adoption of Group guidelines for a systematic approach to the management of health and safety risks;
- the precise and dynamic assessment of the risks and critical issues and the resources to be protected;
- the prompt and accurate reporting of injuries, accidents and near misses, with investigation of all causes, in order to adopt appropriate corrective measures;
- the continuous maintenance and adoption of advanced technologies to prevent the emergence of risks relating to workers’ health and safety;
- the review and technological updating of working practices;
- the provision of training and communications initiatives;
the adoption of appropriate emergency procedures and health check protocols.